Diving has many faces, and there are as many divers as expectations, needs, dreams, plans and requirements.
Thanks to the scuba regulator created by Jacques Yves Cousteau and Emil Gagnan, diving could reach a wide range of people who wanted to explore the underwater world for pleasure. That`s how the new era of diving begun. The growing popularity and the dream of making divers around the world enjoy their passion in a controlled and safe way has led to the need to create universal procedures and standards that can be easily applied by divers.
From the dreams of future generations of divers – competent, conscious and independent, who care about their own safety and that of their diving partners, for care for the underwater environment – the philosophy of the International Diving Federation was born. It consists of three elements:

Safety First!
The International Diving Federation has made safety in diving a priority when setting training standards. This has resulted in rescue skills at every level of training, matching the capabilities of the students. We believe that independence and competence are the key to increasing safety and thus comfort for all divers. When it comes to safety, IDF does not compromise.
On the other hand, high thresholds and requirements for diving instructors have made it possible to introduce real changes in the quality of training and to create a coherent teaching line at all levels.

Future is now!
Our hallmark is the highest quality attractive training materials and the combination of the possibilities offered by new technologies with the most glorious diving traditions. This is how we have created not only a modern IDF website, the possibility of using e-certificates and taking exams online – everything free of charge, but also a series of our visually attractive and rich in valuable content printed manuals – which are given to students at each of the training courses they attend.

New Generation!
Our hallmark is the highest quality attractive training materials and the combination of the possibilities offered by new technologies with the most glorious diving traditions. This is how we have created not only a modern IDF website, the possibility of using e-certificates and taking exams online – everything free of charge, but also a series of our visually attractive and rich in valuable content printed manuals – which are given to students at each of the training courses they attend.