If you are an active instructor, conducting courses with highiest safety standards, you would like to optimize the costs when paying contributions and fees, ordering materials and certificates for your trainees, you should consider cooperation with IDF – give yourself a chance to succeed, contact us and find out what we have for you!
Will all my qualifications from my previous agency be recognised in the IDF?
All qualifications will be transferred if they have their equivalents in the IDF. If the IDF system does not provide for a given degree and the next (higher) one in the IDF grants a significantly higher degree, additional training is required.
Is the IDF scheme respected worldwide?
The IDF has instructors all over the world, IDF courses take place all over the world and there is no known case of an IDF diver being denied recognition. The IDF system has been recognized by DAN and the students have no problems with insurance with the world’s largest insurance agency for divers.
Is it possible to continue in another federation the training started in the IDF?
IDF divers continue training in many other federations without any problems.
Is it possible to continue a training started in another agency in the IDF?
It is possible to continue training in an IDF and the recognition of qualifications is described in detail in the table in the Training Standards.
What CCR units are available in the IDF?
At the moment the only CCR unit available in the IDF is the CCR Halitus.
Is it possible to introduce other CCR units into the IDF?
It is possible to introduce other CCR units to the IDF, but this requires cooperation at the level of the IDF Board, the interested instructor with adequate qualifications for the unit and the unit manufacturer to create standards and training programs or materials.
In the case of family trainees, is it enough to buy one manual for all?
In order to ensure the level of training it is required that each trainee has his or her own individual handbook. IDF coursebooks, which are one of the best teaching items on the market, are offered at such affordable prices that their purchase does not strain the household budget.
Are clubs/centres required to pay an annual contribution to the IDF?
Only a centre that has met the affiliation requirements set by the IDF and has paid the annual contribution for the year in question is considered an IDF centre. The instructor’s membership of any centre is not mandatory – he or she may provide training on his or her own account.
Can non-IDF instructors purchase and use IDF manuals in their training?
One of the elements of the IDF mission is to improve the quality of divers’ training around the world, which is achieved by creating high quality training materials. The consequence of this is that non-IDF instructors can purchase and use IDF manuals in their training.
How much does an IDF instructor submit per year?
The annual contribution of an IDF instructor is 100 Euro .
How much does an IDF Divemaster submit per year?
Divemasters do not pay any annual fees.
Who can cross-over to the IDF?
Cross-over can be conducted by any IDF Staff Instructor and IDF Course Director. You can search for them in the INSTRUCTORS tab.
What is the cost of cross-over to an IDF?
The cost of cross-over is 350 Euro.