Why take a course?
Wrecks are unusual, silent witnesses of tragedies that have taken place throughout history. Diving on them can take us to completely different times. Diving to the wrecks as you were already qualified to gives you the opportunity to admire the battlefields and float around these steel giants. The IDF Advanced Wreck Diver course, on the other hand, will give you a glimpse into the interior, where small abandoned objects are silent witnesses of personal tragedies that happened on board. Secrets are waiting to be discovered, and appropriate training will give you all the tools you need to experience great adventures.
What will you learn?
During a very intensive training consisting of an extensive theoretical and practical part, you will learn more about wreck diving than before. You will learn how to plan expeditions and how the process of searching for new units looks like, as well as how to plan decompression and safe limits during wreck penetration. In the practical part of the classes you will practice various methods of searching for a wreck and assess its condition, to decide whether you will undertake to penetrate the interior. In addition, you will practice your skills in the laying the guidelines and the use of the reel, also inĀ emergency situations. Under the supervision of your IDF Instructor you will also practice how to react to various emergency and stressful situations to gain confidence and competence even in the most difficult conditions.
What do you need to start?
- Minimum age: 18 years
- Sufficient swimming ability
- Health condition to participate in the course
- IDF Advanced Nitrox Diver certificate or equivalent
- IDF Wreck Diver certificate or equivalent
- IDF Twinset Diver certificate or equivalent (if the course takes place in the back mount configuration)
- IDF Advanced Side Mount Diver Certificate or equivalent (if the course is in side mount configuration)
- Minimum 100 logged in dives, including at least 20 wreck dives at Wreck Diver level
What is the course?
What will you be entitled to after the course?
The IDF Advanced Wreck Diver course entitles you to do decompression multi-gas diving to wrecks with penetration.
IDF certificate
Upon completion of the training, you will receive an internationally recognised certificate confirming your qualifications. It is a plastic card with a unique number and watermark. In addition, you will have lifelong access to an individual panel on the IDF website, where your certificate will always be available in electronic form - in case you ever forget to take the original with you for diving.

What next?
In a wreck diving you have reached as far away as possible and we hope that you will use all your skills and knowledge to plan truly spectacular expeditions and discover unique treasures lying on the sea floor. IDF Advanced Wreck Diver is one of the courses that closes the stage where knowledge and skills can be gained during the training – now everything is in your hands and you can develop yourself further in the desired field. We wish you many adventures and successes in wreck diving.